
Group discussion, photo by Startup Stock on PexelsJoin us for a stimulating series of webinars, delivered by experts in their field and learn how to make type truly relevant to life in the 21st century.

Please Register for each webinar separately, in advance of the event.

These are free events open to all
All listings are UK times. (US time zones: 6pm = 1pm EDT / 11 am MDT / 10am PDT

Upcoming Webinars

Personality Dis-orders

22nd February 2024: Nicholas Toko

Nick, who is BAPT’s director of digital projects and a Jungian analyst-in-training, will present the personality organization of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and the personality disorders known as the ‘Schizophrenias’ and where these dis-orders lie on the introversion and extraversion spectrum…

This popular webinar will run again on 22nd February




Constitution, Consciousness & Choosing Balance

12th October 2023: J Lynne Stewart

Photo by Emma Simpson - Unsplash

Our constitution is unique. The choices that we intuitively make day-to-day can have us thrive or survive. How do we begin to understand our unique constitution and how to find balance throughout our day and our lives.

Lynne joins us from Toronto Canada. She is a graduate of Psychology and an MBA in Finance and Strategy, and has spent her career empowering females, creating frameworks that enhance progression in learning and leadership within business organisations. She has studied Ayurveda, Constitution and Balance for 20+ yrs..

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Why Can’t I Be Both?” – Best Practices for Best-Fit Type

14th March 2023: Katherine Hirsh

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from type expert Katherine Hirsh, in a webinar based on a session she ran originally at the BAPT conference in 2022.

It is ideal for practitioners who are recently qualified in personality type as well as for more experienced people who want to build their skills and range of approaches in helping clients find their best-fit.  Katherine will share a client-centred approach to best-fit type that incorporates a variety of methods and type lenses, and includes practical case studies.  This approach will help you address client doubts and thereby help them reach a place of affirming self-understanding and self-compassion.

Katherine W. Hirsh, D.Phil. (INTP) is co-author of Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® & Teams and content creator for Step Research. She has been using psychological type personally and professionally for over twenty-five years.

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Social Media for Type Practitioners

30th November 2022: Josh Leach

Very common pitfalls you probably make using social media for promotion and how to avoid them

In this talk, Josh shares tricks of the trade for social media promotion that he picked up while interning in the music industry with a record label. He shares with us how to navigate better the dark and mysterious world of social media algorithms.

We learn a mixture of principles and practical tips, that will be transferable for any projects that require a social media strategy. i.e YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram. The session was interactive with opportunity to ask questions and get valuable advice.

Josh Leach is an animator and type enthusiast, who recently produced our video on introversion and extraversion.

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Dating, Mating and Relating

Date 6th October 2022: Susan Nash

Fact: Divorce rates are rising. Fact: Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

Creating successful personal relationships can be a challenge for individuals in today’s busy world. The premise of Dating, Mating and Relating is that we can use our knowledge of type and temperament as a framework for understanding how we view the world and how our partner might approach the same situations differently. By comprehending human differences, we can diagnose potential issues, depersonalize possible conflicts and identify strategies to communicate more effectively with each other.

In this interactive, fun session, participants will be introduced to the three stages in successful relationships: Dating, Mating and Relating. Against this backdrop we will then describe the four temperaments and begin to build an understanding of the strengths and challenges each brings to and faces in relationships. Participants will leave with a heightened appreciation for all four temperaments, a broader perspective of type differences and straightforward tools to communicate more positively in relationships with those who are different to us.

Susan Nash is an international expert in business applications of Type and Temperament. Author of 11 books, she specializes in helping organizations achieve better business results by capitalizing on individual personality differences. Susan combines practical business management experience with strong facilitation skills to make applying Type in organizations and in home life fun and relevant to all.

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Type and Creativity

Thursday 10 May: David Goldstein

We have an unprecedented blank slate to reset everything in our daily lives including our work. Whether you think of yourself as a naturally creative person or not, we all must be inventive. Here we’ll talk about ways to better understand your own creativity using personality type and to optimize your creative process and contributions. In this highly visual presentation, we’ll look toward the arts for example how we prefer to gather information and make decisions – allowing us to better understand our creative problem-solving process.

David is an artist, writer, researcher, and originator of the “Art-types” concept. He has been involved in the type community for over 15 years with the highlight being exploring the connections between creativity and psychological types with Otto Kroeger. David and Otto co-authored Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive, published by Simon and Schuster, with the aim to show everyone they can be creative. Goldstein presented at several APTi Biennial Conferences, spoke at APTi Chapter events, and has authored for the Bulletin of Psychological Type.

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Type and the Ladder of Ego Development

Tuesday 18 Jan 2022: Angelina Bennet

'Who Are You' on tiles, Photo by Brett Jordan from PexelsWhile it is true that no Type is any better than any other, there are visible differences in how we express our Type. Obviously, some of this is due to our environment, experience, upbringing and general individuality; however, the effectiveness with which we use our Type can often be linked to our stage of development and/or ability to cope with pressure. In this session, Angelina will describe Ego Development Theory (Loevinger; Cook-Greuter) and how we can combine this with Type to give a ‘vertical’ dimension to our understanding of Type. Parallels with Jung’s and Myers’ theories of type development and a brief look at the empirical support for this theory will be included.

Angelina Bennet

Angelina is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with expertise in personality from a variety of perspectives. She has been using type for over 20 years and has a particular interest in Type Development. Her doctoral thesis was based on combining Type with Ego Development theory, adding another dimension to Type. As well as running a consultancy business, Angelina is co-director of Type Pro Ltd – a training company that qualifies people to be Type practitioners. She is the author of The Shadows of Type: Type thorough Seven Levels of Development and a past president of BAPT. In her other life, she is a yoga enthusiast, a budding guitarist and the mother of two delightful boys.

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How to Use Type Ethically

Thursday 10 Feb 2022: Jerry Gilpin

Ethics discussion, photo by Dani Hart of PexelsType practitioners have all come across examples of bad use of type – when people have been limited, defined or ‘othered’ by type language; when organisations have used type to manipulate or select or exclude individuals. But how do we ‘do type’ well? What does good practice look like? None of us will be perfect; but this webinar is a chance to share best practice and to learn from one another about how we can deliver an ethical type experience that focusses on the person and their preferences, and how we can put type into practice in the way we act as professionals.

Jerry Gilpin

Jerry Gilpin is the Board secretary of BAPT and an independent coach, supervisor, facilitator and consultant based in Bristol UK. The session will be interactive and involve other members of the BAPT Board.

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Back to School for Parents

Tuesday 14 Sept 2021: David Hodgson

Teens on phones, PixabayHow can parents support their teenagers?

David has worked in schools with students, teachers and parents for over 30 years. He has applied the personality type model to help everyone get along better! All relationships can be difficult. Being a teacher, parent or teenager can be incredibly stressful and difficult as we navigate such important years.

In this session David will share insights that help us understand each other better, improve communication, relationships, learning and motivation by applying some of the best bits of personality type. By exploring the four big chunks of personality, and perhaps even the fifth, plus David Keirsey’s temperaments model; David will offer positive, practical tips and ideas that improve relationships.

The ideas can be easily applied to support us in all of our important relationships including parenting young children, marriages, siblings, work colleagues.

David HodgsonDavid is a training consultant and author. He mostly works with teenagers, teachers and careers advisers in schools and universities across the UK. He uses his own version of personality type, the buzz (see https://icould.com/buzz-quiz/) to help motivate and inspire children to make more informed decisions about their future. He is ENFP and writes for BAPT’s Typeface on education.

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If you are not a member of BAPT but would like to be, JOIN NOW through our online joining form – only £45 (£30 for students or retired) until the end of September 2022. Includes our quarterly online magazine TypeFace. We have members from around the world, so you will be welcomed.

Join BAPT here

About BAPT

Originally formed in 1989, the British Association for Psychological Type (BAPT) is a charity which aims to provide a forum for practitioners and enthusiasts of psychological type systems – from HR professionals to self-employed coaches, students and people with a simple interest in Type – to come together to discuss, promote and enjoy exploration of the endlessly compelling world of type theory.

Through conferences, regional meetings, events, webinars, workshops, ongoing publications and resource archiving, the committed volunteers in BAPT encourage lively debate in a friendly, cooperative atmosphere where members can enjoy sharing their journey and growth within this stimulating subject.

See more about BAPT here.

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The BAPT e-news is published six or more times a year, with information about coming events,
and links to other items related to psychological type.

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