If you have a question about how to use this site that you can’t find the answer to, you can contact the Webmaster.
- How does Gift Aid work?
- How do I know if I qualify for Student or Retiree Membership Rates?
- How do I log in?
- What can I see if I am not logged in?
- How can I get a password?
- How do I log out again?
- How do I change my password?
- My name is not displayed correctly
- Where is my personal Profile?
- How is a Directory Profile different?
- How do I update my Directory Profile?
- How do I find a Type Practitioner?
- How do I get on the list of Practitioners?
- Can I add a Type Event to the Events page?
How does Gift Aid work?
Gift Aid is a special government scheme (for UK taxpayers) that helps us claim back an extra 25p for every £1 that you give to our charity – and it doesn’t cost you a penny extra. To use Gift Aid, you need to fill in the declaration that you can find on our online membership form and send it to us. Your payments will qualify for Gift Aid as long as the amount given to charity does not come to more than 4 times what you have paid in tax during the current tax year. You can find further information on Gift Aid at the GOV.UK website.
How do I know if I qualify for Student or Retiree Membership Rates?
If you are in full-time education, at any level, then you quality for Student membership in BAPT. Similarly, if you are retired from full-time work, regardless of age, then you qualify for our Retiree rate.
How do I log in?
Click on the ‘Members Login‘ link at the top of any page in the website. If you are already logged in, it will say ‘Log Out’. If you can’t remember your password, click on the ‘I’ve forgotten my password’ link which will help you set a new one.
What can I see if I’m NOT logged in?
Almost the whole site is available to all visitors, including the Conference archive and TypeFace Archive Online. The only areas NOT available to visitors are:
- The Members Area (which includes your Directory entry and the Type Coach Verifier offer)
- In the Resources Area, Journals (Including TypeFace) and Library are members only also
How can I get a password?
If you are not a member of BAPT, you first need to Join BAPT. If you have been a member but have not paid your subscription this year, your membership will have lapsed. We’d love to have you back, so you can Join BAPT online any time.
If you are a member and have lost your password, you can reset your password through the Members Login.
How do I log out again?
There is no need to log out. But if you want to, perhaps when using someone else’s computer, click on the Log Out button at the top of the page.
How do I change my password?
If you are logged in, you will see a black bar across the top of the page. On the right end you should see your name. Click on it to see a menu with ‘Edit my profile’. Go to your Profile and scroll down towards the bottom of the page. You can change your password there, and the screen will guide you to creating a secure password. You can use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and some punctuation. Be sure you write your password down somewhere you can find it! If you lose or forget your password, you can re-set it via the login screen.
My name is not displayed correctly
If you want to change how your name is displayed on the top bar, check that you are logged in, then go to your name on the right end of the black bar and click on ‘Edit my profile’. You can change your name in the fields on this page, and also choose how it is displayed.
Where is my personal Profile?
If you look at the very top edge of your browser window, you will see a black bar across the whole width, if you are logged in. This bar has your name on the right, with editing access to your personal Profile. Your Profile is where you change your display name, email address, and password.
How is a Directory entry different?
The Directory entry contains your Practitioner details, and is visible to the public. This is where you can set up your name, Type instruments used, area of the country you practice in, and any contact details. The purpose of this profile is for visitors to the site to be able to look up a Type Practitioner in their area. Your personal Profile is where you can change your name and your password.
How do I update my Directory profile?
Click on the Members Area link at the top of the page. If you haven’t created a Directory entry yet, you can do so here. If you do have one, you can edit it here.
How do I find a Type Practitioner?
On the top right of the site, there is an blue button labelled ‘Find a Type Practitioner’. That page displays all the members who have opted to create a Directory entry. You can narrow down the list by clicking one or more areas and/or Type instruments.
How do I get on the list of Practitioners?
The Practitioners Directory is available to all paid-up members of BAPT. If you are not a member yet, you can Join here. Visit the Members Area to create or edit your Directory entry.
Can I add a Type Event to the Events page?
Contact us via the Contact page to give us the details, and someone will be in touch. If appropriate we will add it to the Events page. In general, we look for Type events hosted by non-profit organisations and charities working with Type, such as regional groups and APTs. We also like to post any commercial events which are discounted for BAPT members, or free.